High-Speed Leak & Flow Test System
The Challenge
Oil pans require leak testing—a production step historically slowed by the relative large volume of each part. Traditionally, filler blocks are incorporated into the test process in order to reduce the test volume making the leak test cycle more accurate and relatively faster. Loading and unloading filler blocks do add time to the
production process. But without filler blocks, the stabilization phase of testing proceeds too slowly and with too much error.
InterTech Development Company’s engineers asked—is there an alternative??
The InterTech Solution
InterTech Development Company engineers developed a high speed leak & flow test system where oil pans are tested to a 10 sccm limit, at a pressure of 100kPa (14.5psig) within 19 seconds. This fast production rate is achieved without filler blocks.
InterTech’s fast oil pan leak test system includes: Superior test accuracy and at faster speeds using the superior InterTech M1075 Mass Flow Leak Detector to control the test cycle. Unlike generic test instruments, InterTech’s mass flow leak testers use patented sensors that are tuned to perform optimally and most sensitively within the test parameters required for testing these large volume oil pans.
InterTech patented Ex-Heat® Technology
InterTech’s Ex-Heat® process reduces stabilization time —the slowest part of the leak test—on large open test volumes. The Ex-Heat® process reduces stabilization time and variation by extracting the warm unstable air from the test part and replaces it with stable air, at the correct test pressure, that is ready to be measured for the leak rate value.
Test Process and Solution
Each 15 liter volume oil pan can be tested at a rate of 50 seconds/part, contingent on operator speed for loading (estimated 3 seconds) and unloading (estimated 3 seconds) of each part. The leak test portion of the production cycle requires only 31 seconds.
Consult Our Experts
Please contact InterTech for further information or help with your test application. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Give us a call at 847-679-3377 or fill out the form and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.
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