How can throughput on ventilator and related respiratory treatment technology keep up with the demands of the current and future pandemics?
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed demand for oxygen delivery systems overnight. Global health care specialists warn that the world’s manufacturing systems need to also prepare us for pandemics to come. Whether your company is an automotive or other manufacturer newly moving into ventilator manufacture, or is an existing ventilator manufacturer seeking to multiply production several fold, any and all production bottlenecks need to be eliminated to meet this skyrocketing demand.
Historically, testing of oxygen delivery devices pre-market release has posed a significant hurdle. Rapidly manufactured ventilator systems must function with precise control of pressures, oxygen volumes, failsafe toggle between on-demand and automatic mandatory ventilation, and allow clinicians to manage tidal volumes, respiratory rates and more. Machine design must also allow for infection control either via disposable parts or easy decontamination.
InterTech Expert Instrumentation replaces error-prone mechanical components such as bellows used for calibration of oxygen delivery systems to significantly improve system response times and repeatability.
Contact IDC for full application details and new design reports on ventilator and related respiratory treatment technology testing